British Education and its pathways suddenly became even more attractive after the UK government made a U-turn on its previous policies for post-visa studies. Overseas students can now stay an additional two years!
Students are currently only allowed to stay in the UK for up to four months after completing studies and in recent years this policy has detracted some from pursuing a UK pathway.
The Prime Minister has announced this new strategy aimed at attracting more students and making it the prime university destination for overseas students.
According to Kingsgate CEO and GSE school operator Greg Parry,
“This new strategy will certainly boost the United Kingdom as a very appealing destination for overseas study and make British curriculum pathways a preferred plan for students.”
“Students want to continue with work opportunities in the UK after completing their undergraduate studies so that they complete a truly international experience. This makes graduates very attractive and work ready when they return to their home countries.”
The rising US-Asia trade tensions, combined with the policy of granting shorter visas since June 2018 for many Chinese students, are making US universities less popular among students and parents across Asia. The UK, Canada and Australia are benefiting with significant increases across the board. UCAS, which handles applications to higher education courses in the UK, reported a 30 per cent rise in applications from Chinese students this year compared with 2018. During the same period, Canadian universities saw a 15 per cent jump in international students’ enrolment. The number of international students in Australia increased by 12 percent to 525,054 last year
“The beauty of British curriculum is that it provides an excellent pathway to Australia, Canada as well as the UK as an overseas study destination,” said Greg Parry.
“Students can continue study or work in Australia after they graduate and a British curriculum prepares them very well for entry to Australian Universities.”
“At Kingsgate we are a British curriculum school but we see ourselves as being international and global in our approach to life preparation. The curriculum is our vehicle but our school culture is the environment that shapes children. We have an international identity.”
Australia and the United Kingdom are very attractive destinations for international students and they are they key destinations for many overseas bound Malaysian students. The benefits of international education are very clear both for individuals and for Malaysia as a country.